Thursday, July 30, 2009


A wise joyologist once twittered ‘ To be kind is better than being right’ . I’ve been hooked on her

twitters since my awakening 4 months ago. Today, I was tested on this. I guess, in my quest to live peacefully , there will always be challenges on the way.

It’s just so easy to get angry and frustrated. But yet, the feeling dissipate in a matter of seconds but still a little too late to stop the angry change of words.

This is when I notice that breathing helps. The simple act of inhaling and exhaling can work wonders. Heck, if it works for women during childbirth that must prove something right?

Simple steps to get your emotions in check. ( Pause button)

1) Breathe in, normally

2) Breathe out, slowly. Take your time and don’t force it out

3) Repeat, till calm.

There you go. It’s as simple as breathing air!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wholesome goodness…

Today I realized that I’m a whole new person. From the girl who always rushes things and cramps as much as I can just to make things done to a more laid back, taking time to smell the roses kinda girl. Heck, I’m even attempting the art of cooking different dishes from all around the world! Lovingly sautéing red peppers in Italy’s signature Olio pasta ( did the vegan and non vegan version- both were delicious!), going Japanese with wholesome seaweed and prawn tempuras, DIY lemon Chicken Chinese-style and even baking multigrain breads for my morning sandwich. And you’re right, I am pretty pleased with myself

In my attempt to go more green, towards the environment and myself I’ve sneaked some Googling time during working hours (shhh!) to research on ways to help me help mother nature. Sometimes I feel it’s time to be kind. To you, to me, to all. I’ve embraced the wonderful delight of henna, the softness of vinegar and the playful goodness of lemons! I’m certain that there is
more pleasurable goodness that Mother Nature is offering me. Graciously, with open arms, patiently waiting for me to get my act right!“Yoohoo! Over here! Here! Eh? Parabens ? No! No! Here, try some avocado oil..” says Mother NatureAhh, Just my imagination running away with me…

There are people who are close to me who prefer to concentrate their energy to things that really doesn’t matter. Pointless cause of anger and frustration like these usual suspects: office politics, paranoia or worst; that they are unworthy of happiness. I was such a person, once upon a time, but no longer will I intentionally hurt myself.

Evil is boring. A fun statement by freewill astrologer Rob Brezny.

To be evil to yourself and others is such a boring, been-there-done-that experience. Shall we add more zest in our life through love? Love is such an understatement. It is very powerful and easy to love, yet many resist it. I say lets learn to let go of all the unnecessary and go for LOVE!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Getting back to basics

Hi, I’m Harmony and I’m a blogging virgin. I would like to begin this exciting chapter of my life with a list of things that I am grateful for the month of July (not in any particular order). I truly feel that I would be able to write more but since this is my first post I will keep it short and sweet.

10 things I’m grateful for (July)

  1. Pronoia is the antidote to paranoia. : How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings –negativity is boring! A good read by Tom Brezsny

  2. Jason Mraz – his positive vibes, writings and music. I can only say thank you. You’ve open my eyes to good, positive things.

  3. Yoga

  4. Holly Rigsby workouts – absolute butt kicker!

  5. Tabatas – 4 minutes of oxygen deprivation!

  6. Eggs – yummies!

  7. Cooked onions

  8. The wonderful mind of a child
  9. "Congratulations!Today is your day.You're off to Great Places!You're off and away!" Dr. Seuss

  10. White Tea

  11. The internet – my ultimate free resource to no 1-8 & 10